I have benefited tremendously

I have benefited tremendously from Michael Roth’s wisdom and experience in our life coaching sessions, his skills and techniques are not easily matched and his guidance is a worthy investment. Our meetings could be compared to that of Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan Malthus.

M Miller

It was like a Miracle was Performed

Dr. Andre Adams Miller

From Pain to Freedom (Emotional Testimonial)

Breaking Free from Trauma: My Experience with Michael Roth


Michelle Hubbard

You can’t go wrong with seeking out his expertise

I have known Michael and have worked with him since 1999. I have experienced and witnessed his healing facilitation all through these years… I highly highly recommend you serve yourself in your healing by getting a few sessions with him. He is very intuitive and will guide you / coach you… in to your healing at many levels… I have also referred my friends and clients to Michael for 19 years, leading to many many people healing themselves. You can’t go wrong with seeking out his expertise!

T Fortina

Thank you

Thank you for challenging me to be the change I want to see with my family. I am full of new possibilities with them again now! You rock! Thank you for looking after & being a part of our Ohana!

Jenna S

Powerful holistic methods

Congratulations, Michael! By completing the intense training in becoming a Board Certified Hypnotherapist and Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, you are adding even more to the powerful holistic methods that you already incorporate with your clients. I am so blessed to be one of them!

S Ostermeir

Unbelievable Somatic Healer Transforms Lives! Unbelievable- Must-See Testimonial!


Empowering Women’s Healing Journey: Michael Roth’s Vital Support System (Becky Parker – Testimonial)

Michael’s coaching has been priceless

I have known Michael for a very long time. Eight, maybe 10 years. During that time Michael
has provided spiritual, business, and personal coaching to me that has been priceless. As a
healing practitioner, I do a lot of work on myself personally so that I can be the best for my
clients. There are many times, that I need guidance myself. Michael distills the situation down
in a way that is manageable and clear. He helps strip added “significance” for a dispassionate
view which allows me to see my wounds and opportunities for healing and growth.
I am grateful to have this talented, very talented, healer/coach/mentor in my life.

K Evans

Michael provided me with tools to live an enriched life…

Intimacy/Emotional Anorexia..once a state of being my entire life, Michael Roth has now provided me with the tools to not only recognize this deficiency, but also expand my emotional capacity, living an enriched life of love, intimacy, & vulnerability.

B Parker

Freeing undiscovered energy and power.

Michael is an amazing and gifted healer. He takes you beyond therapy and heals your soul. Our body and cells store memory, experiences, and pain. The unconscious is just that, unconscious. Bringing it into light and awareness through a non-didactic deeper communion with the pain stored in our body frees undiscovered energy and power. The brain isn’t even half our story, it is just a limited processor. So many of our decisions are made from this unknown part of ourselves, yet we think we are making informed decisions. Yet the powerful urges or unfelt signals to the brain telling us and our ego what we want, need, desire, deserve, and often do, mask what we think or tell ourselves is a legitimate healthy choice. Yet most of our decisions and choices are made blindly or in the dark. For me, it is as simple as choices or desires from Chocolate to sexual experience. Michael unveils and evokes a lasting body experience and a knowing that brings the unconscious to consciousness in the heart, body, mind, and soul, unparalleled to anything the mind could ever do on its own. Michael is a true healer and transformer.

B. Weiss

Working with Michael Roth has been Tremendous

Erickson Parker

You won’t recognize your life in 6 months

That is what Michael said nearly a year ago when I first started coaching sessions with him. I knew that he believed it, but I wasn’t so sure. I couldn’t see a path to get there from where I was at. I was just trying to survive.

My marriage had been on “auto-pilot” for the better part of a decade. My wife had been giving me hints that she was not happy, but I was too distracted to take it seriously. Inevitably, we slowly drifted apart. Long story short, she was wanting a Legal Separation. The friction between us was so great it seemed like that was the only way to find relief from the constant nagging and complaining. It wasn’t pretty.

Dr. Doug Weiss has pioneered work in Intimacy Anorexia, and I watched several of his YouTube videos. What he described seemed to be a familiar pattern in my life. Intimacy Anorexia seemed to be playing a part in my relationship issues. After searching for a coach with a background in Intimacy Anorexia, Michael was found as one of the few coaches that are certified by Doug Weiss in Intimacy Anorexia.

Michael helped me see there were traumas in my life that shape my perception of the world and those around me. I had always thought of “trauma” as something that required a visit to the ER. However, significant events in my life had indeed caused mental trauma that triggers my response to things my wife said and did. By identifying the traumas, Michael was able to quickly reduce them and the associated triggers. For example, my wife likes to talk during meals with her mouth full. It is hard to engage in meaningful conversation when I’m fixated on whether or not food is going to be falling from her mouth as she is speaking. Though we still have conversations during meals, I can now concentrate on what she is saying, instead of how she is saying it. We also take more walks for conversations, which tends to be a food-free zone.

Fast-forward to now, Michael was right. I don’t recognize my life. I have my marriage back. It wasn’t a “take this pill and call me in the morning” scenario. It took a lot of work to get here, but I feel my marriage is worth it. There is definitely some fine-tuning that still needs to occur, but there is a stark difference from a year ago. Before I met Michael, I was one step away from “living in a van down by the river.” Now my wife and I are not only civil towards each other but actually enjoy each other’s company. We have been trying new restaurants together and going for walks. I took dance lessons to gain more confidence on the dance floor. (By the way, if you want to impress your wife, learn to “dip” her at the end of the song.) Currently, we are both trying to lose weight and make meals together.

My engineering background makes me want to fix things. I wanted to fix my marriage but didn’t have the skill set. Michael does. When an organization has a problem their staff can’t solve, they hire a consultant with specialized talent to solve it. That’s Michael. I am still amazed at his ability to identify and mitigate the source of my “triggers,” as well as the effect this has had on my marriage. I can’t recommend him highly enough!

If you are willing to do the work, he can provide guidance. See you in 6 months… 😀

Take care and God bless! Dave

Life changing!

I have been seeing Michael Roth for Mind-Body Coaching for the past nine plus years and will continue to do so. When I first saw him my life was at a very low point. Our early sessions were life changing, as have many since then, often in times of trauma. I have the utmost respect for Michael and his work. Thanks again Michael.

J Wright